INFO Pre-registrations are now open!

Béziers Bilingual School







20 students /grade level


7:30 AM - 6:30 PM

Our values

The Christols Institute is a private, non-contractual, non-secular school situated in Béziers. The School offers a high-quality bilingual education that respects the natural laws of child development.

Our small class sizes create a warm, familial atmosphere. This enables children to feel happy and relaxed, thereby promoting their growth and ability to learn.

It is not necessary to come from a bilingual family; we cater for children from the age of 2 ½ to 11 years old, whether they are from English-speaking, French-speaking, or other cultural backgrounds.

Your child will learn through immersion in either English or French but must have mastery of at least one of these languages. If joining the school at the Primary level, the child may be required to attend our support classes in the non-mastered language.

Our Teaching Methods

It is the child's interest alone that guides our pedagogical choices. That is why we offer an original curriculum composed of a Montessori preschool, a more formative and fulfilling curriculum for 3 to 6-year-olds, followed by an increasingly traditional elementary format.This approach mixes both classical and innovative pedagogies in order to give rise to well rounded, organised, creative and fulfilled students, who are open to others.

“Let’s not raise our children for today’s world. This world will have changed when they grow up. Thus, we must primarily help the child cultivate his capacity of creation and adaptation.”
Maria Montessori

For us, to educate means "to guide, to bring forth."
The early years of learning are fundamental as they lay the foundation for good development of the child's intellectual capacities and autonomy.
Through conscious learning, a child develops their cognitive abilities fully:

We ensure that each of our students receives the intellectual nourishment necessary for their development. We will support them as far as possible according to their abilities and adapting to their needs. Many children, especially those known as "precocious" or "high potential", get bored at school, find no interest, lack motivation, which can sometimes lead to laziness, a lack of concentration, or even depression. By combining proven, stimulating, and innovative pedagogical methods, we cater to all children, as these methods are adapted to their intellectual and physiological needs.

"Most of the time, a child fails because we haven't found their 'entry door'. As soon as we find it, they flourish. Thus, failure is not inevitable."
Elisabeth Nuyts

Preserving innocence

School is primarily a place where children should feel safe, listened to, and loved for who they are. Our private school will enable your children to grow, while preserving their innocence and the world of childhood. Let us see them for who they are, without the usual adult perceptions and concerns. In order to develop, children need a healthy, secure, accessible, and structured environment. Therefore, we will not introduce political and social topics into the school that a child cannot understand and that are irrelevant to them. We adhere to the Foundation for School's Charter for the protection of minors.

Choosing quality

To ensure high-quality teaching and support, the private bilingual school in Béziers commits to the Quality process developed over 10 years by the Foundation for School. The Qualité Gabriel© method aims to improve professionalism in daily actions, ensure its sustainability, and assure you, parents, that the school meets your expectations. Quality teaching is also teaching that knows how to evolve and renew itself according to the needs of the school and the students. Therefore, our teaching team benefits from ongoing professional training and remains attentive to relevant pedagogical innovations.

Personalized follow-up

Each student is unique, which is why we chose to offer small class sizes. Whether in class or within the institution, our students are understood holistically. We organise individual meetings with families twice a year or more, depending on needs. In case of difficulty, children benefit from personalised follow-up and assistance in achieving their personal goals. As Parents, you are involved in the school life and the monitoring of your child because you remain their primary educators. We believe that the importance you place on your child's learning is a key to their success.

The choice of school uniform

Following the Anglo-Saxon model, we have chosen to introduce a simple and practical uniform in our school's colours. It encourages team spirit, fosters integration, and creates an atmosphere of work and success.

A Bilingual Curriculum

We have chosen to implement a bilingual curriculum from preschool level. It involves the immersion in both the French and English languages throughout the child's schooling. It is not just English classes, but the teaching that occurs in both French and English. The brain's plasticity and the child's "absorbent" mind enable them to quickly and effortlessly master one or more additional languages. We chose early bilingualism because numerous scientific studies have highlighted the many advantages of such education for children, both in terms of intellectual and cognitive capabilities, as well as social development:

Allowing your child to express themselves in a language different from their mother tongue also means enabling them to have a more open mind, make discoveries, and have enriching encounters, providing significant advantages for their future.


Chairman of the Board


Denis Champart is a polytechnician and trained engineer. Father of five and passionate about knowledge transmission, he pursued a dual career in scientific research serving the national defense and in teaching activities (mathematics, physics, chemistry) in private high schools. After leading the Defense Standardization Centre, he joined the Foundation for School, where he is responsible for operational advice to directors and school founders. In this role, he notably developed the Free Schools Quality Label and an assistance application for Montessori educators, the AMORE software. A graduate of the Institute of Management Control, he was a board member of ONERA and the Foundation for School before becoming the chairman of the private bilingual school in Béziers.

"Your children deserve the best; we owe them excellence."



"To teach is not to fill a vase but to ignite a fire."



Director and Teacher


Aurélie Pradeloux is a restorer of art objects, graduated from the National Heritage Institute. Helping her three children with their schoolwork led her to question the relevance and efficiency of certain methods used. In searching for answers, Aurélie became passionate about Pedagogy to the point where she changed her professional course. Her training at Ilfm (Free Institute for Teacher Training), forefront in so-called "alternative" pedagogies, meets this expectation. She began her new teaching career in a primary school that welcomed children experiencing significant academic and emotional distress. This remedial and personal support work led her to train in various complementary pedagogies and to adapt her teaching to different child profiles (school phobia, dyslexia, high potential, ADHD...). Aurélie then taught in an excellent bilingual school in Annecy, where she observed the benefits of such teaching on her students' intellectual abilities.